Monday 27 February 2012

Opening scene

I have started to look at films that open up with a voice over. The first movie i looked at was the movie
"21." The film is a fact-based story about six MIT students who were trained to become experts in card counting and subsequently took Vegas casinos for millions in winnings. However it is the opening scene that i am most instrested in, the movie opens with a voice over of the main character before fading out into music and the opening credits.

The film American Beauty also uses a voice over at the start of the film, however this voice over is rather different, as it is narrated by the main character, who reveals that he is dead at the start of the film, i thought doing this was very risky, as you would think that telling somebody the end to a story at the start would ruin the film for them, however this dosnt, it makes you want to watch it more to find out what happened and what events led up to the main characters death.

Train Spotting is one of my favourite films of all time, it is about a character called 
Renton who is deeply immersed in the Edinburgh drug scene and tries to clean up and get out, despite the allure of the drugs and influences of friends. This voice over gives us a really good idea about Rentons personality and his attitude towards life and drugs, so while we havnt even seen more than 2 minutes of the film, we almost feel like we know Renton.

Rocknrolla has a another similar voice over to train spotting, again this film is about a young man who enjoys many taboos and this opening voice over helps give us an idea what he is like.

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