Wednesday 11 January 2012

Super Hero Lair Ideas

Here are a few inspiring examples of super hero/villan lairs that i have looked at for background research into my animation project.

For my lair, i am fond of the idea of it been underground, i also like the idea of having a part of the lair on the surface, designed as something ese, such as a house.

Super Hero ideas

For my second Design Practise project we have been tasked with creating a super hero, or villain and their lair here are a few images that have started to influence me on my Hero/Villan and their lair.

For my hero i am looking at having a character that is part human part machine, or perhaps it has to have a mechanical lie support system supporting it, here are a few examples.


Animation DP2 Water Effect

This is a little water effect that i created today for my animation work.