Saturday 24 March 2012


The target audience I have chosen for my film trailer is 15-25 year olds. I have chosen this age range as statistics show that people ages between 15 and 25 attend the cinema more than any other ages person. Another reason for having 15-25 year olds as my target audience is that I am in this age range and therefore it is easier for me to gather research from people in this age range.
If my film were to have a certificate it would be a 15.

There are many sites that offer free high quality sound effects that I can use for my project, I also came across websites that sold very high quality sound effects, I kept this in mind for any other film making projects I were to do in the future that had a bigger budget.

On our first shoot the sound turnde out to be to loud and slightly distorted, and thus was unuseable, this was due to the microphone been turned up, once we had realized this mistake we decided to replay each scene on set to check the sound and lighting was usable to avoid making this mistake again. After I had finished my film I showed it to many people in my group to try and get some feedback, I got a good response from everybody, and the only negative comment I got was that some people found it difficult to hear what the actors were saying, so I then decided to go back to my edit and chance all of the sound levels, so it was loud enough for the viewer to hear without the sound becoming to distorted.
Another problem we came across was the fact that the microphone wasnt picking up sounds in the distance, for example when the car is driving around, i came up with the idea to record sound from outside the car window to pick up the sound of the engine, which turned out quite well. We can then put some of this sound over other clips to enchance the car noise.
During our shoots we have had many problems with lighting, due to the location of our shoot been on top of a car park, we have no access to a power supply, this means we are very limited when it comes to lighting. to overcome this problem I  came up with the idea of using a cars headlights, and using a reflector to soften it, this turned out to work really well.
To create spot lights or highlight something i found out that the portable LED light box's work really well, these can also be used with the reflectors to soften the light.

Thursday 8 March 2012

Sound effects in my film

There are many points in my film that i am going to incorpriate sound effects, these include;

  1. Using a 'ping' sound when the golf ball is been hit
  2. Using possible tire squeeling sound for when the car is comming up the ramp, and when the car comes to a holt.
  3. Using the sound of empty beer cans hitting the pavment when the girl is getting out of the car.
  4. Using the sound of running water when the man is urinating in the stairwell.

I feel using these sound effects will really add to the film and make it sound more realistic.

Sound Problems

On our first shoot the sound turnde out to be to loud and slightly distorted, and thus was unuseable, this was due to the microphone been turned up, once we had realized this mistake we decided to replay each scene on set to check the sound and lighting was usable to avoid making this mistake again.
Another problem we came across was the fact that the microphone wasnt picking up sounds in the distance, for example when the car is driving around, i came up with the idea to record sound from outside the car window to pick up the sound of the engine, which turned out quite well. We can then put some of this sound over other clips to enchance the car noise.

Lighting problems

During our shoots we have had many problems with lighting, due to the location of our shoot been on top of a car park, we have no access to a power supply, this means we are very limited when it comes to lighting. to overcome this problem we came up with the idea of using a cars headlights, and using a reflector to soften it, this turned out to work really well.
To create spot lights or highlight somthing i found out that the portable LED light box's work really well, these can also be used with the reflectors to soften the light.

Sunday 4 March 2012

Ralph McQuarrie

For those of you who dont know, one of my all time favorite artist Ralph McQuarrie, the man that helped George Lucas bring Stars Wars to the big screen, has died aged 82. 
He created the look of characters including Darth Vader, Chewbacca and R2-D2 and C-3PO aswell as the Storm Troopers and the light Saber. 

He also worked on the original Battlestar Galactica TV series and Steven Spielberg films E.T. and Cocoon, for which he won an Oscar.
For those of you who do not know much about him i highly suggest you check out his website, and work. 

Ralph McQuarrie June 13, 1929 – March 3, 2012.